Things have been going a bit better again since my last post. I did a very slow and ginger 2 miles (23 mins) on the treadmill on Tuesday and stretched loads afterwards, then let myself have another few days off. I was almost starting to feel back to normal again with not a single ache or pain.
This encouraged me to do 5.3 miles on Sunday, and I'm really glad I did. It took me just over an hour and I ran from home to Battersea Park, did a loop of the park and then home again. It was a weird and gorgeous run. It was really cold and foggy and dark, even at 10am, and the park was pretty empty except for a few other runners and people walking their dogs.
My multi-marathon-running friend has a deep-seated loathing for dogs (which I don't share - I love them and am a perpetual wannabe dognapper) because of the way they like to catch you up and run at your heels. Someone sent me this video the other day, which really made me laugh:
Look at him go!
Having been briefly pursued by a frisky wolfhound (not Fenton) in the park on Sunday, I'm starting to see why she's not keen. I still love em though. One day, when I live in a house with a garden and have some free time (2047), I will own my very own dog and then no doubt I'll be the one you see running after it in the park shouting "JESUS CHRIST!".
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